Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) Symptom Checklist

Armita Hosseini
M.Ed., M.A., C. Psych., Assoc
Armita Hosseini is a registered psychological associate with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. She received her Master of Education in Counselling Psychology from Western University (2013) and Masters of Clinical-Developmental Psychology at York University (2015).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition marked by impairments in attention, distractibility, executive functions, and overactivity. The Adult ADHD Self-Report (ASRS) is an 18-item screening tool that determines ADHD traits in ages 18 and over. Aspects of attention and overactivity that are indicative of ADHD are covered in this tool:
- Inattention
- Overactivity
- Executive functions
Research shows that the ASRS is a quick tool (not a diagnostic tool) to identify whether an individual’s symptoms are consistent with ADHD to warrant further investigation.
How to take the test
The ASRS consists of 18 statements that may describe you, with 5 choices (severity of symptoms). Please pick the best one that applies to you. This checklist will take about 5 minutes to complete.
- Never
- Rare
- Sometimes
- Often
- Very often
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) Symptom Checklist
1. How often do you have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project, once the challenging parts have been done?
2. How often do you have difficulty getting things in order when you have to do a task that requires organization?
3. How often do you have problems remembering appointments or obligations?
4. When you have a task that requires a lot of thought, how often do you avoid or delay getting started?
5. How often do you fidget or squirm with your hands or feet when you have to sit down for a long time?
6. How often do you feel overly active and compelled to do things, like you were driven by a motor?
7. How often do you make careless mistakes when you have to work on a boring or difficult project?
8. How often do you have difficulty keeping your attention when you are doing boring or repetitive work?
9. How often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people say to you, even when they are speaking to you directly?
10. How often do you misplace or have difficulty finding things at home or at work?
11. How often are you distracted by activity or noise around you?
12. How often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated?
13. How often do you feel restless or fidgety?
14. How often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself?
15. How often do you find yourself talking too much when you are in social situations?
16. When you're in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing the sentences of the people you are talking to, before they can finish them themselves?
17. How often do you have difficulty waiting your turn in situations when turn taking is required?
18. How often do you interrupt others when they are busy?
About the ASRS
Research suggests that the symptoms of ADHD can persist into adulthood. These symptoms may impact different aspects of functioning such as relationships, work, school, and interpersonal functioning. Adult symptoms of ADHD can often present more than childhood symptoms. Therefore, ADHD can be difficult to diagnose in adults, and different presentations are noted among females versus males.
The questions in the ASRS are consistent with DSM-IV criteria and address some of the manifestations of ADHD symptoms in adults. The content of the questionnaire also reflects symptoms, impairments, and history for a correct diagnosis.
Do note that no single test is conclusive and should not be solely used for diagnostic purposes. Notably, not every individual with ADHD will necessarily score above the defined threshold on each test. If you score low on the ASRS and you may still think that you present some traits, book a complimentary consultation on our website to speak with a knowledgeable clinician.
- Schweitzer JB, et al. Med Clin North Am. 2001;85(3):10-11, 757-777.
- Barkley RA. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment. 2nd ed. 1998.
- Biederman J, et al. Am J Psychiatry.1993;150:1792-1798.
- American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association. 2000: 85-93.